Backlink Builder 100% Working [Update]16-02-13

Backlink Builder 100% Working [Update]16-02-13 Average ratng: 3,7/5 4197 votes

Dear Wikidata members, We are working on setting a data quality. For the Wikimedia project it's no problem if the building and the. Update 2: made progress on the star/plus operators front this. Following the idea of 100wikidays, we'll suggest a collective. Backlink on Property talk subpages? Other games like TF2, HoN, SC2 all work I have a CLEAR spot. For all apps (2007),Backlink Builder 100% WORKING update16-02-13,.

Revision -ModifiedSun Oct 23 17: UTC (8 years ago) by gagemodified stand alone client to provide courseName, userid and password for identificationthese are in the file webwork2/clients/.wwcredentialsand should be called from the client directory so that the credentials can be found.The commands to listLib have been modified slightly. The new commands are 'all', 'dirsOnly' and 'files' now checks credentials for the user and password in the course specified.

At the momentwarning messages report the outcomes of authentication and authorization but not use is made of this result.and the behavior is as was also modified to deal with the new commands. Revision -ModifiedSun Oct 23 17: UTC (8 years ago) by gage modified stand alone client to provide courseName, userid and password for identificationthese are in the file webwork2/clients/.wwcredentialsand should be called from the client directory so that the credentials can be found.The commands to listLib have been modified slightly.

The new commands are 'all', 'dirsOnly' and 'files' now checks credentials for the user and password in the course specified. At the momentwarning messages report the outcomes of authentication and authorization but not use is made of this result.and the behavior is as before. Revision -ModifiedFri May 28 21: UTC (9 years, 5 months ago) by gage added tooltip for the answer preview - this shows the actual entry - with this we could get rid of thefirst 'parsed' entry in each row, saving some space. Something similar (but more complicated) would giveus a tooltip showing the typeset version of the correct answer. (We want the untypeset version to beavailable for cutting and pasting when instructors are checking problems for correctness so the method ('title' attribute) usedfor the answer preview won't work.

Revision -ModifiedSat May 15 18: UTC (9 years, 5 months ago) by gage added useless reference to @LimitedPolynomial::BOP::ISA to the end of the dispatcher in WeBWorK.pmto stop warning messages such as these:Sat May 15 14: warn client /webwork2/gagecourse/testset/6/ Can't locate package LimitedPolynomial::BOP for @LimitedPolynomial::BOP::power::ISA at /opt/webwork/webwork2/lib/Apache/ line 115., referer:No explanation for the warning messages nor as to why this stops is similar and does not create similar warning messages. Revision -ModifiedSun Mar 21 01: UTC (9 years, 7 months ago) by dpvc Bring jsMath up to version 3.6e. Changes include:. Changed the way IE is detected to be more robust for IE8 in itsvarious modes.

More fixes for vertical and horizontal alignment in IE8 in all itsvarious modes, and in jsMath's various disoplay modes. Morethurough testing than with 3.6d, which introduced some problems insome modes. Add to the list of node types that are not scanned formathematics by the tex2math plugin. Updated the unicode fallback mode font tables for Mac and PC tohandle current font configurations better. Revision -ModifiedWed Mar 17 14: UTC (9 years, 7 months ago) by dpvc Bring jsMath up to version 3.6d.

Changes include:. This release includes an important speed improvement. Revision -ModifiedSat Jan 23 21: UTC (9 years, 9 months ago) by gage Corrects bug (uncovered by newer versions of after version 3.29 and before 3.42) which defaultedstudents to 'guests' in the permission popup menu used for editing the student record. It showed uponly for student because there default value was 0 - which can be treated ambiguously - as opposed to2 or 10 which is not.Adding the override switch forces the default value generated in the perl code to override other defaultvalues for the popupmenu and provides the expected behavior.The default value is set as $default so that 0 is properly recognized. This notation is usually used to select severaldefaults however just using $default did not work in 3.42.This should fix the bug where students were mysteriously reassigned as guests and lost their 'submit answer' buttons.sites with older versions of will not have observed this problem.CVS. Revision -ModifiedWed Sep 30 14: UTC (10 years, 1 month ago) by gage Corrects bug (uncovered by newer versions of after version 3.29 and before 3.42) which defaultedstudents to 'guests' in the permission popup menu used for editing the student record.

It showed uponly for student because there default value was 0 - which can be treated ambiguously - as opposed to2 or 10 which is not.Adding the override switch forces the default value generated in the perl code to override other defaultvalues for the popupmenu and provides the expected behavior.This should fix the bug where students were mysteriously reassigned as guests and lost their 'submit answer' buttons.sites with older versions of will not have observed this problem. Revision -ModifiedSat Aug 29 16: UTC (10 years, 2 months ago) by apizer This fixes the bug reported Blake ThorntonHardcopy Errorby Blake Thornton - Thursday, 27 August 2009, 09:47 PM# when students don't select any sets the size of @setIDs is 1 with a null character in $setIDs0.# when professors don't select any sets the size of @setIDs is 0.# the following test 'unless ((@setIDs) and ($setIDs0 = /S+/))' catches both cases and prevents# warning nessages in the case of a professor's empty array.

Revision -ModifiedTue Aug 18 16: UTC (10 years, 2 months ago) by dpvc Bring jsMath up to version 3.6c. Revision -ModifiedSat Jul 18 02: UTC (10 years, 3 months ago) by gage Aded effectivePermissionLevel to the PG environment- the permission level of the effectiveUser, the user to which the question has been assigned.Changed the printing of the path to files inbeginproblem so that it is shown if the effectivePermissionLevel is higher thanthe 'PRINTFILENAMESPERMISSIONLEVEL' value. This responds to user requests that make it easier for aninstructor to print hardcopy for the student. Revision -ModifiedThu Jan 1 03: UTC (10 years, 10 months ago) by dpvc Bring to version 3.6b. Revision -ModifiedSat Oct 11 01: UTC (11 years ago) by dpvc Update to version 3.6a of jsMath. Changes include:.

Worked around a problem with image fonts in Firefox3. The width of theimages were not being properly reported (even when specifiedKilled by signal 2.MG tag's STYLE attribute) if the image wasn'tloaded from the server yet. Worked around a problem in IE8 when jsMath is loaded from the localdisk rather than from a server. Added more checks when jsMath.safeHBoxes is set to prevent additionalways in which the user could have inserted HTML tags into hboxcommands. Fixed a bug in the spriteImageFonts plugin that had been causing it tofail in Firefox2 and earlier, Opera 9.2x and earlier, and all versionsof MSIE. It seems to have stopped working somewhere after version 3.4of jsMath.

Fixed a bug where newlines were not treated as spaces when scanningfor arguments of macros that require arguments. Fixed the eqn-number extension to handle nonumber as a synonym fornolabel, and made the equation., align., and multline. environmentsnot produce equation numbers.

Removed a debugging alert from the Firefox3 local-file code that wasaccidentally left active in version 3.6. Revision -ModifiedTue Jul 1 13: UTC (11 years, 4 months ago) by glarose SetMaker: update to make problems that are 'tried' display accordingto the assignment type of the selected set. We may want to back thischange out at some point: because the set type is determined when thepage is built, changing the selected set doesn't change how viewedproblems are displayed until the page is reloaded. I think thebehavior introduced by this patch is better than showing all problemsas homework problems, but it may be otherwise.

Revision -ModifiedFri May 9 00: UTC (11 years, 5 months ago) by gage Added a banner which asks users to register production servers.Clicking on the 'register button' brings up a page with a mailto: link.and a 'server site registered' button. Clicking on the mailto link bringsup the administrator's email application with suggested information to be emailedto (for now - later we can replace this with an alias mailaddress and eventually with some sort of form and a database for the recipient.)Clicking on the 'server site registered' button creates an empty filecourses/admin/registered2.4.5where 2.4.5 is the current version number found in WeBWorK.if this file is present the 'please register' banner goes away.It's just a first cut at tackling this problem.p.

Revision -ModifiedThu Mar 27 01: UTC (11 years, 7 months ago) by dpvc Bring jsMath up to version 3.5. Changes include:. Fixed a problem with the boldsymbol extension where it could leave thefonts set to the bold fonts, so that all the rest of the mathematics on thepage would be in bold. (This would occur if a jsMath auxiliary file had tobe autoloaded by the boldsymbol command.). Fixed a timing problem with easy/load.js when autoloading and tex2mathare both used (the default) that could cause some internal routines to runin the wrong order. Fixed a problem in detecting a font size change in MSIE when the fontused at one location on the page is only slightly smaller or larger thanthat used at the previous location. Added ability for extra fonts to specify how they are handled insymbols-only image mode.

This is used by the cmmib10 font to specify thatthe italic letters should be handled by bold italic letters in the seriffont rather than by images, which was the old behaviour. You will need toreplace the jsMath/fonts/cmmib10/def.js file with the new one to takeadvantage of this.

Added a new autobold extension that allows jsMath to detect the presenceof a. Tags (or CSS that sets font-weight:bold) surrounding themathematics and automatically apply boldsymbol to the mathematics. Sincethis requires the extra cmmib10 and cmmsy10 fonts, this is an extensionthat you must activate yourself. See the autobold documentation fordetails.

Implemented the verb command for entering verbatim material. See theverb extension documentation for details. Added aligned and gathered environments to the AMSmath plugin. Added equation and equation.

environments. (Since tex2math now processesLaTeX environments within the text of the page, it makes more sense to havethese defined.). Fixed a problem with newcommand where it would rejectcontrol-sequence names that included upper-case letters. Fixed a problem with the font command where the control sequence wouldbe lost when the font was loaded (if it wasn't already loaded when thefont command was issued). Fixed a timing bug with easy/load.js when there are files specified inthe loadFiles array. Revision -ModifiedWed Oct 17 16: UTC (12 years ago) by sh002i Useful tools for managing NPL-style tags in PG problems.These tools were developed in the course of managing the Rogawskiproblem library for W.H.Freeman:lib/WeBWorK/ - Useful routines for parsing and writing PG tagsformat as well as the Textbooks file format.

Also contains a routinegenfindtags which generates a 'wanted' function for File::Find thatfinds files that match a certain tags specification. As of now, editingof tags is somewhat limited - a facility for appending tags to the endof the tag block is given, which should be sufficient for adding a newtextbook to existing files.The tag parsing routine is all new, and should be somewhat more robustand harder to abuse. One notable improvement is that it can handleescaped single quotes within values, making it possible to say thingslike:## DBsection('L'Hospital's Rule')However, the stricter value parsing makes it reject some broken valuesalready in the NPL.

In the case of KEYWORDS, if a parse error isencountered it will fall back on the old keyword parsing method. Thiscould be extended to other values if need be.bin/pg-find-tags - Prints file names for files that match specificationsgiven on the command line. Good demo of how to use genfindtags. Can beeasily modified to perform other tasks.bin/pg-append-textbook-tags - Appends tags for a new textbook to the endof the tag block in an already-tagged file.bin/pg-pull - Pull files from an existing library into a new library.Directory and file names for the new library can be generated from thetags in the problem (and optionally use the names from a Textbooksfile). We use this to pull Rogawski-tagged NPL problems out for separatedistribution.

This script has some annoying limitations right now -read the comments. Revision -ModifiedMon Aug 13 14: UTC (12 years, 2 months ago) by dpvc Backing out of Mike's change to previewAnswers.

Setting that to 0means the grader will not be run when the problem is first shown, andthat means the notes provided by the grader (like 'You can earnpartial credit on this problem') won't be shown until the studentfirst provides an answer. These messages are important, particularlyfor sequential problems, and so need to appear even when the problemis first shown, not just when answers have been submitted.If Mike had another reason than just efficiency for not processinganswers on the first invocation of a problem, that will need to behandled in a more sophisticated way. Revision -ModifiedWed Apr 18 23: UTC (12 years, 6 months ago) by dpvc Update to v3.4a, which includes:. Fixed a problem with the noImageFonts plugin where extra fonts wouldstill try to use image fonts even when they were supposed to bedisabled.

Also, noImageFonts now adjusts the error message to indicatethat unicode fonts will be used for fallback rather than image fonts. Fixed a problem where changes in the CSS line-height attribute couldcause alignment problems with arrays in MSIE. Fixed a number of alignment problems with MSIE when used with aDOCTYPE that triggers 'standards' mode rather than 'quirks' mode.

A bug fix needed for MSIE6 that is one of the sources of jsMath'sslowness with MSIE is now disabled when MSIE7 is used, since it is nolonger needed in that version. This should give a noticable speedimprovement for jsMath in MSIE7. Revision -ModifiedWed Apr 4 15: UTC (12 years, 6 months ago) by glarose Add set-level proctor login password for proctored gateway/quizassignments, improve handling of proctor keys and permissions forproctored assignments, bug fixes for recently added features.This commit- adds the ability to specify a set-level proctor for proctoredgateway/quiz assignments.

Revision -ModifiedFri Mar 30 19: UTC (12 years, 7 months ago) by glarose Some bugfixes, preliminary commit of relaxrestrictip function. Revision -ModifiedThu Mar 29 19: UTC (12 years, 7 months ago) by glarose More gateway fixes/additions. Revision -ModifiedTue Mar 27 17: UTC (12 years, 7 months ago) by glarose Preliminary commit of code to restrict access to assignments by clientIP address. This commit adds the database tables for IP addressrestriction, updates to require Net::IP for addressmatching, adds database calls in for manipulating locations andaddresses, and adds location restriction to the set editing inProblemSetDetail.This commit does not add actual restriction to sets, nor the abilityto create locations to which to restrict access. Revision -ModifiedThu Mar 15 22: UTC (12 years, 7 months ago) by glarose Fix state retention when previewing or checking answers by retainingpage but not worrying about preview or answer check. Reduce PGtranslation for multipage tests by only translating problems onsubmission or as needed when checking.

Clean up some calls to getproblems so that db-getAll. Problems calls are used.

Add courselogging for preview, newpage, and grading. Add 'Show Past Answers'form/button as appropriate.Please note: there is an interesting question about the order inwhich problems are logged for the case when problems on a test/quizare ordered randomly. In this case, the problems are logged in thecourse answerlog in the order in which they appear on the test.However, when viewing grades and student progress, at the momentthis is not the case. In the long run we probably want the gradespage to conform to the order shown in the test, while we may wantthe student progress page to match the order seen in the actualtest definition. For the moment that's probably a bug.

Revision -ModifiedFri Mar 2 23: UTC (12 years, 8 months ago) by sh002i updates to allow merging and versioning to interact gracefully:- use table aliasing to be able to refer to the same table by twodifferent names- call sqlfieldexpression to get SQLized field names (theimplementation in returns a SUBSTRING(.) expression)- use the implementations of convwhere and keypartstowhere from theprimary table being merged (this allows to provideappropriate WHERE conditions)- remove Gavin's change that ignores versioned tables. Revision -ModifiedMon Feb 12 21: UTC (12 years, 8 months ago) by dpvc Completely rewrote the file to use a different technique. Instead oflooking for unbeforeunload events (which didn't work reliably, sinceFirefox will reload the page before it has a chance to install thehandler), we look for F5 key events and F5 ignore keydown events, butreload the page on F5 keyup instead. This skips the autorepeatingkeys and only reloads the page when the user lets go of the key. Sothere is only one reload.

After several autorepeated F5 keypresses, adialog will appear asking you to check if something is holding downthe F5 key. Revision -ModifiedTue Feb 6 22: UTC (12 years, 8 months ago) by sh002i perliminary steps to splitting versioned and non-versioned user sets.TODO:- modify to NOT use version/non-version specific where clausenames, and commit removal of those names from modify to provide a completely separate suite of methods forversioned sets/problems- add VersionedUserSet and VersionedUserProblem records classes, makethem subclasses of UserSet and UserProblem. Include fake 'version'field.- add boxing/unboxing routines for those record classes.- figure out what to do about listing versioned sets/problems, sincesome of the keyparts is going to be synthesized. (post-filter ongetfieldswhere?). Revision -ModifiedFri Dec 1 17: UTC (12 years, 11 months ago) by glarose Add hidescore and hidework functions, allowing suppression of thedisplay of the score on the assignment and/or the work the studentsubmitted. Also updates the treatment of due and answerdate fields.Now setting the due and answer dates to the same time will (should?)make answers available once the test is completed (e.g., all attemptsare exhausted); setting the answer date to after the due date leavesthe correct answers unavailable until a similar time has passed fromwhen the test is completed. And the problem/page jump links arecleaned up to be more concise for multipage tests.

Revision -ModifiedWed Oct 18 01: UTC (13 years ago) by dpvc Update to version 3.3g:. When the AMSsymbols extension is loaded, the mathbb macro is nowchanged to use the blackboard bold characters that are in the msbmfont. (In the past, this would occur when the msbm font is firstloaded, but the change should be made right away, since a use ofmathbb should cause the msbm font to load if it isn't already.).

Fixed a bug introduced in version 3.3f that causes tex2math (whenused with autoload) to cause MSIE/PC to stop processing displaymathematics in some situations. Fixed problem with longmapsto that caused gaps between thecharacters that form the arrow. Also worked around a problem withFirefox that caused mapsto to lose its vertical tick at theleft-hand end of the arrow. Fixed a problem with autoload where multiple calls to tex2math couldcause tex2math to convert $ to $ and then later try to interpretthe $ as a start-of-math delimiter, even though it was previouslyescaped. Reorganized the autoload plugin so that jsMath.Autoload.Run nolonger needs to be called. In the past, autoload would use tex2mathto look for text that needs to be converted to SPAN and DIV tags ofclass 'math', but would not convert them itself.

Now that autoloadhas settings to control what tex2math functions will be performed,there is no need to put off the conversion, so autoload now does thetex2math conversion immediately. ThejsMath.Autoload.findMathElements variable is no longer needed, andso has been depricated. Fixed a problem with tex2math where two escaped dollars in a rowwould not be processed properly (the second would not be treated asescaped, and so could be treated as a start-of-math delimiter). Revision -ModifiedFri Oct 6 21: UTC (13 years ago) by sh002i this is the log message for the last version (v1.80): sweeping changes!PLEASE NOTE THAT VERSION 1.80 AND LATER OF DB.PM WILL NOT WORK WITHMOODLE UNTIL I UPDATE THE MOODLE SCHEMA MODULES (which should happensoon).WARNING: VERY EXPERIMENTAL CHANGES. DO NOT USE ON PRODUCTION SITES.MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR DATA BEFORE USING.replaced ad-hoc argument checking with calls to checkArgs andcheckArgsRefList. This makes the code much more concise and longer checking for existence before adding a field - instead catcha RecordExists exception which is thrown by NewSQL classes. This willspeed inserts of slightly.added count.

methods for all tables.switch to using newer NewSQL methods where they'll be more efficient orreadable.generally regularize code - resolve indentation problems, get rid ofextraneous empty lines, etc.rewrote getMergedSets, getMergedProblems, and getAllMergedUserProblemsto use NewSQL::Merged (via setmerged/problemmerged 'tables'). The newmerge method (which is done completely withtin the database) is morethan three times as fast for normal merging and more than seven times asfast for getAllMergedUserProblems. Revision -ModifiedMon Sep 25 16: UTC (13 years, 1 month ago) by glarose Gateway update: report tests graded in the grace period after the duetime as having been completed at exactly the maximum allowed time.Thus, if a test allows 20 min and there is a grace period (defined inglobal.conf) of 2 min, a test submitted after 21 min will be reportedhere as having been completed in 20 min, not 21. This avoids someconfusion for instructors who aren't aware of the grace period.This update doesn't have any effect on the presentation of non-versioned sets.

Revision -ModifiedThu Sep 14 16: UTC (13 years, 1 month ago) by dpvc Updates for version 3.3e:. Fixed a problem with how the cookie data is stored for the controlpanel (special characters were not being escaped, which causesdifficulties with some browsers).

Fixed a bug where jsMath would not determine the em-size correctlyin text blocks where the text-indent was set to a non-zero value. Added some CSS styles to try to isolate the jsMath control panelfrom changes that might be caused by CSS settings from the mainpage. (Page authors who set styles that affect the jsMath panel maywant to add additional CSS rules to reset those within #jsMathpanelin order to make the panel continue to look correct.).

Added newline as an alternative to cr and. Added a new help file explaining the missing font messages and howto address them. Revision -ModifiedTue Sep 5 16: UTC (13 years, 1 month ago) by sh002i removing courses directory (please read)i originally moved the courses directory to courses.dist, to preservefile history, but this wasn't the right strategy, since it caused thecourses directory to disappear from older branches as well. So i copiedit back to courses, and then used 'cvs remove' to delete its, it will hopefully exist in rel-2-2-dev and earlier releases, but notin rel-2-3-dev or HEAD. Revision -ModifiedThu Aug 24 21: UTC (13 years, 2 months ago) by sh002i Added class to protect objects from evil prying problem code.Uses the closure-as-object technique to protect the self hash of theunderlying object from problem code. All that the problem code sees is ablessed coderef.

The coderef is a closure over the underlying object andthe list of allowed methods. You can invoke the coderef directly, withthe name of the method to invoke as the first argument, but the classalso provides an AUTOLOAD routine that calls the coderef for you, so youcan continue to use the class as usual. Revision -ModifiedWed Aug 23 20: UTC (13 years, 2 months ago) by dpvc This file helps WW manage the browsers windows that it opens. Thecurrent approach is to use a separate window for the Problem Editorand a third window for viewing the problem when you test it. This isfine, except that if you use the navigation links in the editor, thosepages will open int he editor window, and this can mean the editorwindow is used for non-editing functions. Worse, if you click on an'Edit it' link in this window and expect a new one to open, you willbe surprised to see it appear in the current window.This javascript file makes the editing window work as it was intended:clicking on the navigation links opens those pages in the ORIGINALwindow again, not the editor window, so the editor window will be usedonly for editing. It also uses the main window for viewing theproblems, so there are only two main windows now.

This shouldsimplify the editing of problems.To use this file, add/js/ww-windows.js'to the.template file that you are using just before the (notthat it must be at the END of the page, or it may not work properly).This will also fix a problem with Firefox where the editor windowwoudl not come to the front if it already exists and inot thefront-most window. Revision -ModifiedThu Jul 20 23: UTC (13 years, 3 months ago) by sh002i fixed syntax of call to radiogroup - leading dashes are required.the rule is (as defined by CGI::Util::rearrange):.

if the first argument is a hashref, interpret its contents as namedparameters. Leading dashes can be used, but are not required.

otherwise, if the first parameter begins with a dash, interpret theargument string as named parameters. A leading dash is technically onlyrequired on the first item, but you'd be nuts to mix dash and no-dash. otherwise, treat the argument list as non-named parameters. Revision -ModifiedTue Jul 18 19: UTC (13 years, 3 months ago) by gage These two files can be used to render problem from the command line usingthe WebworkWebservice.They are designed to be used as Unix Filters with BBedit, but can be tweaked to workon any unix system and probably on windows as well.These can be useful when you are writing many problems and wish to use your favoriteeditor, and don't have direct access to the unix server.The rawoutput version prints and HTML image of the raw XML data returned from thewebservice. The other returns only the HTML page embedded in the XML data. Revision -ModifiedSat Jul 8 01: UTC (13 years, 3 months ago) by gage Fixed some of the param problems by adding, override=1 to the CGI::hidden calls.This means that CGI ignores any param values when assigning value to the field.

We have beenassigning our own updated values in any case, so this is probably what should have been donefrom the start. I'm not 100% sure of this yet however, so I've only fixed a couple of placesin where the behavior is weird. I'd like to here of other weird behavior that couldbe attributed to values in forms sticking or not sticking correctly. Revision -ModifiedThu Jun 29 23: UTC (13 years, 4 months ago) by sh002i Progress on Apache2 compatibility - doesn't work yet.I've gotten to the point where the login screen can be displayed, butlogin will still fail.

The issue that i'm currently working on is thatwe modify $r-param values extensively in WeBWorK, and that is notsupported in Apache2::Request. I'm not sure why, and no workaround isgiven. One solution is to wrap override param in WeBWorK::Request, butthis would slow things down since the Apache2::Request param method iswritten in C. Revision -ModifiedMon Jun 26 18: UTC (13 years, 4 months ago) by gage The last message was garbled. I've added code that copies auxiliary files when you make a local copy oran extra copy of a problem file of the form prob4/prob4.pgThis copy mechanism is not yet used when viewing one of these problems from a temporary file in tmpEdit. If youhave viewed a problem before you start editing it, your browser will probably use cached images and youwill not have any errors.


If you start editing a problem with auxiliary files before viewing it once in its originalstate, then some of the auxiliary images might be missing. Revision -ModifiedSat Jun 24 22: UTC (13 years, 4 months ago) by dpvc Fixed a couple more issues with blank problems. Allow files to becopied even when we can't write the original (this lets you make acopy of the blank problem or default headers).Attempt to overcome the copy/rename problem by making it not be a menuand instead use a checkbox that says whether the problem or headerwill replace the one in the current set. This makes it clear that acopy is still being made (not that the original is being renamed), butthat the homework set is being altered. Those are really twodifferent actions, and it seems to make sense to separate them.

Thedefault is still to link into the homework set, if there is one. Revision -ModifiedSat Jun 24 21: UTC (13 years, 4 months ago) by dpvc Changed messages that refer to 'Save as' to use 'Create a copy'instead (which is the current wording for that function).Problem: Since the default in that pop-up menu us 'Rename file'rather than 'Create a copy', it is not immediately clear what thismessage refers to.I still think 'Create a copy' should be the default rather than'Rename file', since the latter only makes sense when you got to theeditor from a file linked to a homework set, which is not always thecase (e.g., when you use the Library Browser). It would also makethese error messages refer to something visible rather than a menuitem that is not showing. Revision -ModifiedTue May 23 17: UTC (13 years, 5 months ago) by sh002i changed how activity is determined.

Previously, checksession was beingcalled with updateTimestamp=1, which would cause all active sessions tobe 'touched' so as to prolong their validity. Also, it's not reallyapproriate to call checksession in this way to begin with. We alreadygrabbed the key, and we know it matches, so we don't want to grab itagain. So instead i just put the timestamp comparison directly into thisfile.see also 1.79.

Revision -ModifiedThu May 18 19: UTC (13 years, 5 months ago) by sh002i modifications necessary to support moodle tables:. respect nonnative flag in dbLayout. don't attempt to add users if user table is nonnative. rather than checking for the string 'sqlsingle' in renameCourse andarchiveCourse, and erroring out otherwise, we check to see if there isa copyCourseDataHelper or archiveCourseHelper implementation(respectively). New getHelperRef subroutine helps with this.With these changes, courses with the sqlmoodle dbLayout can be created,deleted, renamed, and archived using the WeBWorK course managementtools.

Revision -ModifiedTue May 16 18: UTC (13 years, 5 months ago) by sh002i small changes to configuration:. session key is now 32 chars rather than 40, to make it a little moremanageable in length. session key now only uses letters and numbers, rather than somespecial characters. variables $databasedsn, $databaseusername, $databasepassword, and$databasedebug are defined in global.conf before database.conf isloaded. This means that in the typical case, database.conf doesn'tneed to be modified at all. changes to database.conf to support $databasedsn, $databaseusername,$databasepassword, and $databasedebug variables. changes to some comments in database.conf, and removal of SQL/GDBMstubs.

Revision -ModifiedWed May 10 02: UTC (13 years, 5 months ago) by sh002i a utility to check and repair the webwork SQL database.functionality so far:. check for table existence, add tables that don't exist. check for field existence, add fields that don't exist. check field types, change types of fields that have incorrect typesstill TODO:. check index structure with SHOW INDEXES FROM.

add indexes that aren't present. display tables in webwork database that weren't part of any course. check for dbupgrade table, offer to add it.

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