Air Cadet Drill Manual 2015

Air Cadet Drill Manual 2015 Average ratng: 4,5/5 2891 votes

Contents AimsThe motto of the ATC is 'Venture Adventure'.The aims of the ATC are:. To promote and encourage among young men and women a practical interest in aviation and the Royal Air Force. To provide training which will be useful both in the Services and civil life.

To foster the spirit of adventure. To develop qualities of leadership and good citizenship.PromiseAt enrollment all must make the following promise:I, Full Name do hereby so solemnly promise on my honour to serve my nit loyally and to be faithful to my obligations as a member of the Air Training Corps. I further promise to be a good citizen and to do my duty to God and the Queen, my Country and my Flag.Organisation National LevelThe Air Training Corps is part of the along with, the, and.The ATC is divided in to six, each of which is sub-divded in to six. Each is divided in to four areas, which are then divded in to a number of.The ATC is run from (HQAC), based at and is commanded by the. The current Commandant Air Cadets is.Each Region is commanded by a, who will be a regular RAF officer (normally a ). Each of the 36 Wings are commanded by a officer (normally a ).Local LevelATC Squadrons are present in most major towns and cities in the UK as well as in Cyprus, Germany and the Channel Islands. As of July 2006 there were 926 active squadrons around the world.In order to remain active a Squadron needs to maintain a strength of at least thirty cadets (or 20 cadets for rural squadrons).

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In towns too small to retain sufficient cadets a is formed, which operates as a satellite of a larger Squadron.Each Squadron is commanded by an, usually a with support from other VR(T) officers, and.Units can vary in size from 15 Cadets in a Detatched Flight to over 100 Cadets in a large Squadron.Membership CadetsYoung people can join the ATC at any time between the ages of 13 and 17. Cadets can stay in the corps up until age 20 but must have reached the rank of Cadet Sergeant by 18 to be eligible for this. Those who stay on beyond 18 are termed Instructor Cadets.

Cap Drill Manual

All cadets are issued with uniform and must each pay a small amount in (or 'subs' as they are commonly known), usually around £50 per year. The subscription money covers parts of the activities undertaken by the Cadets for example Adventure training, local camps etc.

Each squadron also has to pay a fixed amount to the wing to which it belongs for each cadet 'on its books'. Activities such as target shooting, flying and gliding are paid for by theThe cadets of a squadron all join as probationers, becoming full cadets when they are enrolled. As they become more experienced, and if suitable they (cadets) can be promoted by their Squadron Commanding Officer (CO) to the status of Cadet.

The NCO ranks within the ATC mirror those of the RAF and are Cadet Corporal, Cadet Sergeant, Cadet Flight Sergeant and Cadet Warrant Officer ( CWO). It is common within the ATC to abbreviate these ranks by dropping the prefix 'Cadet'.The rank of Cadet Warrant Officer require's a promotion interview by the Officer Commanding of the wing (Wing Commander), his deputy or the Wing Staff Officer (WSO) of that area; promotion to the lower ranks is in the power of the squadron's Commanding Officer. Unlike Warrant Officers in the Regular British Armed Forces, CWOs are addressed by their rank, rather than ' Sir'.All cadets who are over the age of 18 have the prefix 'Instructor Cadet' before their rank. Instructor Cadets must hold the rank of Sergeant or above, and are required to leave if they don't by their 18th birthday. These NCOs now wear a rank slide with the words 'INSTRUCTOR CADET' embroidered below their rank insignia, although some still wear the old insignia - a white band attached to the rank slide. An instructor cadet has extra responsibilities over under-18 year olds which include a duty of care to the younger Cadets and NCOs. Instructor Cadets are required to attend training to aid them in their transition from 'child' to 'adult'.Nevertheless, instructor cadets have no authority over cadets below the age of 18 holding the same or a more senior rank.

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This has been the source of much debate within the ATC.Not all cadets who join the ATC can expect to receive promotion. However all cadets can progress through the training system and, by passing exams ), achieve different classifications. The classification levels are Second Class Cadet (commonly known as a 'basic'; this is automatically achieved on commencing service), First Class Cadet, Leading Cadet, Senior Cadet and Staff Cadet.

For each of these qualifications cadets study a variety of subjects including,. These subjects are studied using Air Cadet Publications or ('ACPs'). Each successive qualification allows a cadet greater participation. For example, cadets must be First Class before they can take part in some activities such as UK annual camps or air experience flying, while Leading Cadets can participate in overseas activities.

Cadets who have achieved the Staff Cadet classification have completed their academic training and can attain a Award in Aviation Studies. Staff cadets wear a yellow over the left shoulder, and are allowed to teach other cadets.Cadets can also qualify for various other awards through the training that is carried out at their squadrons.Adult staffThe staff who run the ATC at unit level come in 3 types:, adult (, ) and civilian instructors. Officers are commissioned into the Unless an officer has previous service, he or she is commissioned as a, being promoted to after two years. After 9 years commissioned service, the rank of is bestowed. Squadrons are usually commanded by, who are also found as Wing and Regional staff officers along with.

Particularly large squadrons are sometimes commanded by.Adults may also be appointed as Adult, these being ranks within the ATC so unlike the officers they are not directly part of the RAF. Adult NCOs are uniformed in the same way as their RAF counterparts with two exceptions: a small gilt ATC badge is worn on the rank badge and Warrant Officers (unless they have previous regular warranted service) wear a different rank badge.Civilian Instructors, known as CIs, play an important role in training cadets. Unlike Adult NCOs and Officers, CIs do not wear uniform and do not form part of the chain of command in the squadron.Civilian committeeFor each level of command there is an associated Civilian Committee. There is a minimum of 5 members to any 'Civ Com', and there must be a, and as well as the (an ex-officio member) and someone to take 'minutes'. The Civ Com is responsible for overseeing the initial unit formation and direction.

The committees, consisting of respected members of the community often including parents of cadets and retired staff, also manage finances (in particular ) but do not have any executive authority.The ATC is a. The Royal Air Force provides funds for a few of the key activities such as flying training. These finances are known as 'public funds'. The great range of other activities offered by the ATC however are financed from 'non-public fund'. Here the Civilian Committees come into their own in their tireless effort to seek the necessary financial assistance which allows these other activities to take place.Squadrons are 'charities excepted from registration'. This means they enjoy all of the legal benefits of a registered charity without the burden of registration.ActivitiesWithin the framework of the training programme ATC cadets have the opportunity of taking part in many activities.

On most Squadrons the only compulsory activities in the ATC year are attendance at various parades, usually ATC Sunday (to celebrate the founding of the Air Training Corps on 5 February 1941, see below). Many wings also insist that attending Wing Parade is compulsory.Parade nightsEvery Squadron meets (parades) during the evening at least once, and usually twice, a week.

Parade nights always begin and end with a. First parade is usually used as an opportunity for uniform inspection and to instruct cadets on the evening's activities, while final parade is usually used as an opportunity to inform cadets of upcoming events that they may wish (or may be required) to take part in.

On some squadrons subscriptions 'subs' are paid on a per-parade night basis. On other squadrons, subs are paid monthly either in person or by automated standing order.

Subs vary from squadron to squadron and are set by the civilian committee in consultation with the squadron's Commanding Officer and other staff. The activities done each night, between first and final parade, depend very much on the staff present and whether the Sqaudron is practicing for any upcoming event.

The activities are usually structured to what the cadets would like to do, with the exception of drill! It should be noted however that drill is not done everynight and it is not all that the ATC does. An example of some other activities are engineering, bushcraft/fieldcraft, debates and lessons that will help improve their chances of getting desirable jobs.FlyingCadets can take part in regular flights in the Grob Tutor at one of 12 Air Experience Flights (AEFs) around the UK.

These flights typically last 30 minutes; as part of a structured syllabus of training it is usual for the cadet to be offered the chance of flying the aircraft or of experiencing aerobatics. The staff are all qualified service pilots, usually serving or retired RAF officers. Prior to the introduction of the Tutor, AEFs were equipped with Scottish Aviation Bulldog as a temporary measure following the retirement of the De Havilland Chipmunk in 1996. The Chipmunk was introduced in 1957 and during its service flew many thousands of cadets.

Prior to the Chipmunk and established AEFs, cadet flying was a more ad-hoc affair, although during the 1940s and 1950s, Airspeed Oxfords and Avro Ansons were used specifically to fly cadets. Cadets were most often used to manually pump the landing gear up or down when flying in the Ansons.GlidingCadets can also undertake elementary flying training at a (VGS) in Gliders. The staff are all qualified service gliding instructors, usually made up of a mixture of regulars, reservists and Civilian Instructors.Gliding initially consists of three one day Gliding Induction Courses, GIC 1,2 & 3. Each GIC consists of learning about controlling the aircraft in one of the three axes of flight. GIC 1 is pitch, GIC 2 is roll and GIC 3 is yaw and a demonstration of stalled flight.A VGS will either fly the winch-launched glider or the self-launched motorglider.At age 16 onwards, cadets can apply for gliding scholarships through their squadron staff.

If selected, the cadet will receive up to 40 instructional launches on the Viking conventional glider, or up to 8 hours of tuition on the Vigilant motor glider. Cadets who successfully complete either of these programmes will be awarded blue wings. Cadets who show the required aptitude and ability may go on to perform a solo flight and be awarded silver wings. Further training is available to a select few cadets who show potential to progress onto Advanced Gliding Training (AGT) where on completion they are awarded gold wings. Usually these cadets will be enrolled as Flight Staff Cadets (FSCs) and further training to instructor categories is possible.A FSC can achieve a Grade 2 award, which recognises them as a competent solo pilot, a Grade 1 award, allowing them to carry passengers in the air and perform the basic teaching tasks involved in the GIC courses. Ultimately an FSC can achieve a C category instructors rating.

Cadet drill guide

A 'C cat' is a probationary instructor who is qualified to teach the Gliding Scholarship course.Once a cadet reaches 20 years of age, he can no longer be a FSC and must become a Civilian (Gliding) Instructor, CGI, (although a FSC has this option at age 18) or a commissioned officer. Once either of these adult statuses has been gained, progression onto 'B cat' and 'A cat' is possible. An A cat is able to send first solos, and B cat can send subsequent solos. Both can perform SCT (Staff Continuation Training) to keep other members of staff well trained and current in their flying categories.MarksmanshipCadets have the opportunity of firing a variety of on firing ranges.

Cadets first train with and fire either the rifle or.177. They can then progress to the CGP, a manually operated variant of the 5.56 mm. The 7.62 mm L81A2 Cadet Target Rifle is also used at long ranges for competition shooting. Although safety has always been the main concern when shooting, with everything done by the book, recent years have seen the introduction of a wider range of training courses for staff involved in shooting to improve quality and safety even further. There are many competitions, from postal smallbore competitions to the yearly Inter-Service Cadet Rifle Meet at, the home of UK shooting.There are currently four types of marksman award that a cadet can achieve, ranging from 'Squadron Marksman' - the easiest to obtain, through 'Wing Marksman' and 'Region Marksman', to 'Corps Marksman'. To achieve these awards the cadet needs to undergo a special shooting 'marksman' practice and then achieve a high enough qualifying score depending on the award specified.DrillAll ATC squadrons practise as a means of instilling discipline and teamwork, it is also used in formal, for moving around military bases and moving cadets in a smart and orderly fashion.

There are also drill competitions comprising inter-wing competitions up to national competitions. Air cadet drill is taken from Air Cadet Publication 19 (ACP19 this is the manual for drill and ceremonial) which is based on the RAF drill manual (AP818).Adventure TrainingWithin the ATC there are many opportunities to take part in adventure training, such as hill walking, canoeing/kayaking, walking/camping and camoflauge & concealment expeditions. All activities of this kind are supervised by appropriately qualified staff (Mountain Leader for Hill walking, (BCU) instructors for canoeing). There are also nationally run courses such as Parachuting, Basic Winter Training and Nordic Skiing to name a few. Adventure training can take place as part of regular squadron parade nights, weekend and weeklong camps.Annual, overseas and band campsThe highlight of the cadet's calendar is annual camp - a week away at an RAF station. Annual camps are organised for all squadrons so that every cadet who wishes to take part and who has achieved at least the First Class qualification may attend. Cadets usually stay in RAF barrack blocks and eat in the station's facilities.

The itinerary is always packed with typical ATC activities such as air experience flying, shooting, adventure training and, of course, drill. Cadets will also have the opportunity to visit various sections of the station and meet the people who work there.For older and more experienced cadets who have achieved the Leading Cadet qualification, the corps also offers overseas camps.

These are more expensive than UK camps, as the cost of flights has to be paid for, and are generally more relaxed and seen as a reward for hard working and long serving cadets. Since the end of the, and the closure of RAF stations in Germany, the number of overseas camp opportunities has decreased. As of the destinations for overseas camps are:. on. A two week camp over the holiday period and at select other times of the year. in. JHQ inThere are also band camps, which is where a cadet of musical proficiency applies to go on this camp and are selected depending on the musical skill (grades) and their other qualities.

The Band Camps are held at RAF College Cranwell, HQ of the ATC.SportSport plays a key part in the activities of every squadron. Seven sports are played competitively between squadrons.

Cadets who show talent can be selected to represent their Wing, Region or the Corps in competitive matches; these cadets are awarded wing, regional or corps 'Blues'. The main sports played are:. Rugby Union. Hockey. Netball.

Association Football. Swimming. Athletics. Cross-country running.

OrienteeringOther sports are also played, sometimes in matches between squadrons, including volleyball, five-a-side football, table tennis, etc. Cadets also use various sports to take part in the physical recreation section of. Orienteering in the ATC only came about in 2006 where cadets from the different wings go to the cadet orienteering championships.Duke of Edinburgh's AwardThe Air Training Corps is the single largest operating authority of system and celebrates its 50th year of providing this opportunity to its cadets in 2006.Cadets are often encouraged to achieve the Bronze, Silver and Gold awards as they progress through their cadet careers.

Some cadets aged 16 or over will also participate in the Duke of Edinburgh's AwardCommunicationsAn extensive range of communication training is offered where appropriately skilled instructors and equipment are available. This can range from handheld radio to networked, and even encompasses publishing online (such as this Wiki). The Provisional Radio Operator Certificate is available to cadets who can demonstrate a working knowledge of basic Air Cadet radio operating procedures and techniques, and the Full Radio Operator Certificate to cadets who can demonstrate more advanced radio operating knowledge and skills.Cadets are encouraged to pursue this training across a range of mediums and technology. Once a sufficiently broad spectrum of skills have been mastered and validated by the Wing Communications Officer the cadet is awarded the Communicator Badge to be worn on the.Communication training provides valuable practical lessons in information handling and management, develops interpersonal skills and meets one of the Corps' prime objectives: 'providing training useful in both civilian and military life'.Community volunteeringCadets often volunteer to help at various national and local events.

For their services a small payment is usually offered to their squadron's funds. Typical examples of such work includes car parking duties at events and delivering copies of to RAF married quarters.The largest example of cadets involved in volunteer work is at the, an annual air display held at.

Cadet drill guideDrill

Each year several hundred air cadets volunteer to stay on the base in temporary accommodation.

On the weekend of the 13th May three cadets from 148 (Barnsley) Squadron RAF Air Cadets travelled to RAF Linton-on-Ouse to undertake a cadet drill instruction course. Cadet Warrant Officer Megan Annetts attended and had this to say about the experience:Over the weekend we learned qualities and requirements of a drill instructor and how to teach drill using the framework set out in the RAF drill and ceremonial manual (AP818). Throughout the weekend we were tested and closely assessed on our own personal drill and uniform standards, our drill teaching skills and words of command.On the Sunday we undertook an assessment process which included a written theory exam based upon AP818 and AP1358c, the dress regulations manual and a practical assessment where each individual had to teach a drill movement using exact phrasing from AP818. It was a challenging but rewarding weekend and all cadets who attended the course worked very hard which was reflected in the results and the success of all the cadets which attended. Without doubt the course would not have been possible without all the adult drill instructors and staff who ran the weekend.I would recommend this course to any cadet who is passionate about all elements of drill and those that wish to pass on their knowledge and skill to other cadets in the corps.By CWO Megan AnnettsTo contact 148 (Barnsley) Squadron email. To learn more about the RAF Air Cadets click.

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