Best Pua Routines Pdf Creator

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Aug 1, 2019 -,The grey elephants in Denmark routine is a nice gambit that you can use in the attraction or comfort phase. It almost always creates a great response. In this one you pretend you can read her thoughts. She has to pick a number, country, animal etc. And you will try to guess it. So she has to keep the chosen number, country etc.

PUA bootcamps. Glossary / Acronyms. The End Of PU. Home In The End Close Routine. Close Routine. Mystery's Kiss Close. Don't given HB your number like an AFC. A routine worked amazingly to get HB's number 'creativity' # close. Three particular situations for Kiss Close. The Ultimate Collection Of Seducing routines Best.

To herself.Tell her to do the following:1. Pick a number between 1-10.2.

Times by 9.3. Add both numbers together. For example 36 is 3+6=94. Minus 5 from that number.5. New number corresponds to a letter. For example 1=A, 2=B, 3=C etc.6. Pick a country starting with your letter.7.

PUA bootcamps. Glossary / Acronyms. The End Of PU. Home In The End Close Routine. Close Routine. Mystery's Kiss Close. Don't given HB your number like an AFC. A routine worked amazingly to get HB's number 'creativity' # close. Three particular situations for Kiss Close. The Ultimate Collection Of Seducing routines Best. All Pua Routines From Mysterymethod Forum Database by Sheek This is the forum database for all routines, techniques, and tips related to pickup. We hope this will continue to evolve, with members adding content every day. NOTE: This is a proper database file that many aPUAs will use to boost their game.

Pick an animal starting with second letter of country.8. Quick: Think about the first colour that comes to mind.Now say this: You are crazy there are no Grey Elephants in Denmark!What she picks:1. The number doesn’t matter.2. They times it to equal a multiple of 9.3. All multiples of 9 when added together equal 9. For example: 45: 4+5=94. D will always equal Denmark.

Some will pick Dominican Republic but that is rare.7. Second letter of Denmark E. And E is almost always elephant.8. Asked quickly how can they not pick grey when thinking of a huge elephant?But are routines really necessary in order to attract women?Check out RSD’s brand new product::Here is the mastermind (RSD Max) behind this mind-blowing product in action: Jul 17, 2019 -,Tip #1: Make eye contact.

It’s much better to start a conversation with an eye contact. Good eye contact is important as it demonstrates self-confidence. A lot of guys are so nervous talking to a girl that they don’t really look into her eyes more than a second.

You should be able to tell what color her eyes are. To intensify the eye contact, first look in her left eye, then the right and back again. But don’t overdo it.Tip #2: Say “Hi” with energy. When you approach a woman, say “Hello” in a flirty way.

It will make her think you’re sexier than the average geek who walks up to her and gives her a shy “Hi”.Tip #3: Shake her hand a bit longer. When you shake her hand, let your hand stay on hers for a bit too long and then brush against her hand as you pull back. Do this while smiling and looking into her eyes sincerely.Tip #4: Mention her name from time to time. Everyone likes to hear his/her name.

So repeat her name slowly from time to time in the conversation.Tip #5: Lower your volume during the conversation. Speak slowly and lower your volume so she has to lean towards you to listen.Tip #6: Be Playful. Make fun of her playfully from time to time. Imagine she’s your little sister. Have fun together. Find a funny nickname for her.

But again, don’t overdo it.Tip #7: Be the “touchy guy”. Touch her as soon you can during the conversation (while approaching is the best).

Touch her on the upper arm, shoulder while you laugh.Tip #8: Mirror her body language. People tend to like people who move and behave like them. Try to imitate her gestures and signs.Tip #9: Let her talk and listen. This is probably the most important tip.

Women love to talk, to tell someone about their feelings. And they always complain men don’t listen. So be different – learn to listen carefully. Don’t look around while she’s telling a story – of course she does notice when you’re looking at the hot waitress.Tip #10: Open up.

Tell her something intimate about yourself (for example: when was the last time you cried in front of somebody?). Ask her the same question. Talk about her childhood.If you need more tips, check out this mind-blowing product:.Here is the creator in action: Jun 3, 2019 -,If you want to get better with women, become a social person. The reasons are simple:1) This way you get to know a lot of people – and a lot of women.2) You lose your fear talking to women you don’t know.3) You get better in conversation with people – and women can tell within minutes if not seconds who’s a social person and who’s a nerd.4) You will become extremely magnetic to women.

The reason for this is called “social proof” – a basic psychological principle. The story behind it is that if a lot people are doing something, others tend to believe it must be the right thing to do. That is, if you talk to a lot of people (at a party aso.) – this is what being social means – it boosts your value. You seem like the guy who knows everyone, and everyone seems to know you – except the person who’s watching you, this pretty girl drinking and joking with her friends. Now, she wants to know who that guy is, she is interested in you.What does “being social mean”? This simply means that on every given event where a lot of people come together, you should interact with different women and man.

Get to know people. Try to make a habit of it.Maybe you say you are not a communicative person and never will be. If you look at yourself like this, you can only lose. A sentence like “I can’t do this” is called a “limiting belief” – something that will automaticly hold you off reaching this special goal (the what you can’t do). Instead try to look at it like a challenge or a game that you are trying to win. Are you really that weak and small that you can’t talk to people you don’t know?

Of course you are not. You only don’t want to expose yourself to a territory that is new to you. But it’s important to get out of the comfort zone – otherwise you don’t learn a thing and everything will remain as it is – you being alone.One of the things women look for in a man is (social) status. Standing alone in a corner with a beer in your hand watching all the other people having fun is the lowest status you can demonstrate.You think women are too busy talking to someone to notice it? Women have something like a radar for social status. They notice in seconds who’s the center of attraction on a party (and feel drawn to this person) and who’s the loser nobody’s talking to.So, try to become the center of attraction interacting with people.

It’s not easy, especially if you are not a social person. But it’s no nuclear science either, that means you can learn it. It’s about what you do instead of what you think that you are. You are not social not because you were born like that but probably because you don’t talk to new people or are alone at work and don’t talk to someone. It’s all a habit. If you talk to new people everyday you will become social.Maybe you don’t know what to say.

How about asking a question that has been on your mind lately? Something like “Hi! I have a quick question for you – do you think being social has to do something with your genes? Me and my buddy have a discussion on this”.Or you use something canned like “Hi guys! I have a quick question for you – who lies more, men or women?” It’s a topic everyone likes to talk about and nobody will shut you down on this one. The tricky thing with this “opener” (a question or statement you start a conversation with) is that you need to explain why you are asking. So say something like “I read a female magazine (at the dentist) today and they did this study.

Me and my buddy are arguing about it all day”Becoming more social isn’t that complicated. However it’s far more complicated if you want to create intimate relationships. This mind-blowing new product is exactly what closes the gap between beeing social and getting laid:.See the mastermind behind the product in action: Mar 22, 2019 -,1. Go out and approach. You can read all the pickup material in the world and watch endless pickup videos on YouTube, but as long as you don’t go out and practice the stuff you read and see it doesn’t matter. In fact, it might even kill your game as you become dependent on those videos because they make you feel good (temporarily).2.

Don’t take things girls say personally. If you get rejected – and this happens to EVERYONE, even pickup gurus – don’t start thinking she doesn’t like you as a person. She can’t because she doesn’t know you long enough. It’s always about your approach: Did you smile? Were you loud enough?

Did you make superfluos gestures?3. Focus on the process, not on the outcome. If you go out with the goal to make-up or sleep with a girl you are doomed to fail. You simply can’t predict those things and if things don’t go your way it will affect your (emotional) state. And girls always look for your emotional state first. Try to have fun in the process – it will simplify anything else.4. Don’t be passive and listen to her stories for hours.

Talk about things you want to talk about. Don’t wait for something to happen, make it happen! Say you want to do XYZ and do it. Suggest things, take responsibility. Change venues, inspire her to do something with you.5. Work her emotions. Women are all about emotions, different kind of emotions.

That why they like drama and crying at the movies so much. Never bore her, simply give her what she wants: the full range of emotions.

Say you love her, then say you hate her This is not lying, this is called flirting. Extreme emotions are WAY better than no emotions at all. Even a negative emotion is better than no emotion because you can change it to positive. Tell stories that trigger her emotions. Be unpredictable, surprise her.6. Always kino escalate. Touch her while approaching (there are studies showing this alone improves the response rate dramatically), hug her, use high fives, punch her in the shoulder (playfully), ask for a small massage (you will be surprised how many girls will do you the favor!) and massage her, do hand reading etc.

Kino escalation is a must to avoid landing in the friend zone. Women love physical contact much more than men, however don’t overdo it in the beginning, keep it subtle.7. Pickup is about adapting to the girl. Girls are different and sometimes will react differently to your stuff – depending on her emotional state etc. Don’t let this affect your game, just adapt. Find out what she’s about, give her some extremes and look how she reacts. Don’t worry, it’s still better than no extremes at all as it triggers her emotions and that exaclty what girls want.

This way you will stand out from all the boring guys she has met in the past.For more information on pickup, check out (brand-new!). Feb 23, 2019 -,Don’t know what to do in the comfort phase? Try these questions and she will be hanging on your lips:1. You must plan your own death.

How old are you? How does it happen?

And what is the funeral like?2. You can be any animal. What are you? You can marry any animal except your own species. What kind of animal do you marry?3. You can pick your parents from any point in time; they can be real or fictional. Who are they?4.

We have found a stargate and you can travel to any location and time. To what 3 places would you go? Now, what if once you cross through, you learn you cannot return? In which of the three places would you stay?5. If you had to have a tattoo, what and where would it be?6. You can invite five people to dinner, real or fictional, from any place or time. Who do you invite to dinner and why?Interpretations of her answers:1.

Talking about how you would like to die says a lot about how you would like to live. This is a great point of reference for commonality. Finding someone who wants to live like you want to live is really special. Most of us aren’t living as we’d like to, sharing that desire brings you that much closer to achieving it.2.

Confident people pick animals who possess qualities they like about themselves. Insecure people pick animals they admire. When selecting an animal for their spouse, they usually select an animal that is least like their last or current BF. For instance, if she says she would be a dolphin it means she admires freedom, intelligence, cuteness, beauty. If she chooses a dog for her spouse’s animal, it means that she abhors disloyalty and her ex probably cheated on her.3.

Only those most comfortable with themselves and their families will answer with their own parents. The person’s choices for her parents often reflect the qualities and/or conditions that were absent in her upbringing. Rather than draw attention to this, point out that fact that these are qualities which they want to instill in their own children. For instance if her dad was Einstein, she would like her children to be smart and greatthinkers.4. The places in time and space people choose tell you what kinds of feelings they want to feel when they are free of limits and stressors in their lives.

If they choose Mars, they like to feel discovery and newness. If they choose prehistoric Earth, they like uncertainty and danger. The place they decide to stay often represents the extreme feelings they are most comfortable with.

Best Pua Routines Pdf Creator Software

For instance if their third option was Antarctica, they are most comfortable feeling alone, versus discovery or danger.5. Tattoos represent permanence. In this day and age, many young people have tattoos, so they will probably show you theirs.

This is good, but not the point of the exercise. Let them show it to you. But ask them if they get another one. The symbol or picture holds great meaning to them. The location they would get it likely represents a point of vulnerability to them, or perhaps their sense of style.

It’s up to you to decide which it is.6. The five people question is the hardest to sort out.

You will be tempted to analyze the significance of each one. Don’t do this, as it is not the point. Instead, the five people represent what the person finds attractive or interesting within a group. For instance, if she picks a diverse group of men and women, she prefers a variety of friends and interests. If she picks all important people, such as actors and celebrities, she is more concerned with high social value. If she picks all people that will get along, she likes everyone to be comfortable and happy.

If, like me, she picks people deliberately to sparkcontroversy and debatewell, you get the picture.P.S. Remember, it’s more important HOW you say what you say than WHAT you say. To master this area I recommend to check out. Jan 20, 2019 -,1.

Warm up: Approach at least 5 random people on the street before going to a club.2. Get to the club half an hour before everyone is going.

This way you reduce the chances girls have already been approached by some guys and have their “bitch shield” on. Also, they are still willing to be approached by a confident, funny guy. A guy like you!3.

Best Pua Routines Pdf Creator

Coming into a club smile and open a set immediately. It doesn’t matter what you say, what counts is that you look like a social guy. As you open, make a habit to touch the person on the shoulder lightly. Forget about people judging you.

I think Neil Strauss, author of, puts said it best: People don’t really care about what you’re doing in a club, they are too busy worrying what other people are thinking about THEM.For example ask “where is the VIP room? How many rooms are here?” etc. Pretend to walk away and then ask “Hey, are you best friends? Because there is a cool test for best friends I’ve read in the Cosmopolitan” Now they will wanna know why a guy reads Cosmopolitan (you were at the dentist and it was the only magazine in the waiting room).Do the best friends test and continue with other routines.Can’t find the right set to open? Ask the barman or the bouncer something (for example: “Why is the club is so empty?”) Try to talk at least for a minute.

It’s important that girls/ guys see you talking to people.4. Place yourself at the bar facing the dance floor. Sit down if you can and put your elbow on the counter. Don’t order drinks and hold the bottle in front of your chest (it’s what everybody does and you’re not everybody).5.

As you are there early, girls will come up to the bar and order drinks. If they are close to you, touch her lightly on the shoulder saying “Hey, what perfume is that?” As she goes “XYZ”, say: “the reason why I’m asking is because a want to make a present to a female friend, but I’m absolutely clueless. And I think if I ask in a store they will simply recommend me the most expensive one”Sometimes she will say “Oh, I don’t even know” Don’t let you fool you, say: “Come on, you probably have like 17 small bottles in front of your mirror.” She probably will say: “No!! I’m not that type of girl!” You: “Okay, 16 then”. Tease her a bit, flirt with her. Don’t forget to engage her friend.When they finally want to move along, join them or say “Hey, you seem like really cool guys, can I join you until my friends show up?

They must be here any minute” If they say no, keep your smile and don’t worry: They are not your last set. (And you probably will see them later in the club anyway and it will be easy to continue your conversation).Stay at your place and open sets immediately that are to your left or right saying “Hey, did you see these (girls)? She said she likes your ass!” (it doesn’t matter if it’s a guy or a girl). Transition with your routines. New game, new luck!P.S. Two important things to keep in mind:1) Never let them affect your state in a negative way (at least never show it!), because it will fuck up your next set.

Learn to not give a fuck about stuff like that and especially shit tests.2) Always kino escalate (touching)! Otherwise it will be really awkward to touch for the first time.Need some inspiration? Check out and this video. Dec 1, 2018 -,According to Neil Strauss, author of, there are several switches that must be flipped in a woman to make her feel attracted to you. Here’s his list (there is no order, the switches just should be flipped at some point)1. You must show her that you’re safe.

Trust is an important issue for most women. This must be demonstrated.2. You must show her that you have either ambition, motivation, or job/financial security. In other words, you must have a life and goals.

This is about demonstrating that you have STABILITY and AMBITION. You don’t have to be successful, you just have to show the potential to be successful (unless you’re in your 30s, at which point you should have achieved something).3. You must show her that you’re different than the other guys, that you are not generic or boring, that she can learn something from you or grow with you, that you have a sense of adventure or creativity or spirituality. This is about showing her that you HAVE SOMETHING TO OFFER, even if you don’t give it to her in the moment.

This is where demonstrations of higher value (DHVs) are useful.4. You must be the PRIZE of the room. She wants a guy others will envy her for, that she can brag about to her friends. This is where social proof comes in, where story-telling comes in. It’s also where alpha qualities come in, cocky/funny, and not supplicating.

This point is about demonstrating all of the many qualities of CONFIDENCE, LEADERSHIP, AUTHORITY, and POPULARITY5. It’s a big world and we all feel alone in it, so if you can demonstrate that you UNDERSTAND her and where she comes from, she will feel chemistry.

This can largely be done through demonstrating either cultural, mental, emotional, world view, humor, or life/background commonalities. The more obscure and rare a trait that you connect on, the more chemistry you create. This point is about demonstrating COMMONALITIES in order to trigger CHEMISTRY.6.

You need an aura of depth and mystery. You must maybe show a vulnerable or wounded side of yourself, you must not give away everything for free, you must be a puzzle she wants to figure out and maybe even have a wound she can heal. Switch #6 is about hooking her with your DEPTH and MYSTERY.7.

You must show her that you are NOT horny, but sexual. This is where social proof comes in too, also demonstrating an understanding of her world (liking her for who SHE is). The idea here is to demonstrate your own LACK OF DESPERATION while showing her that you RECOGNIZE SOMETHING SPECIAL IN HER THAT ATTRACTS YOU TO HER. This is where QUALIFYING is useful, in other words demonstrating that you like her for who she is.P.S. Always keep in mind that your body language tells more about you than anything else. To master this area I recommend to check out.

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